Relationships with Everything & Everyone
Relationships, often we accept some and toss others to the side because they simply are not comfortable or what many call complimentary. What if it is possible to have an honest, complimentary relationship with everything and everyone? This book may well guide you into guiding the way of dissolving the archaic paradigm of relationships which have created so much conflict within Brother Humanity. It is life changing and cuts through all of the old myths about what families, religions, society, etc., have taught about how relationships should, could or can work. It shares tools to move forward with and within relationships with everything and everyone – with understanding, simplicity, ease and grace.
This little book is sooo very simple; and yet upon reading it for one’s self, and listening to the often subtle nuances within one’s self, creating shifts and unfoldments within your current relationships, even dissolving confusions and conundrums within your uniqued family monads – even your relationship with yourself – one wonders how the unfoldments of your relationships will blossom with all, within and throughout your life-stream. (Monad: The soul group/family that you were born into.)

Introduction ~ For some, reading this is going to begin to create a lot of questioning of oneself. The questions are going to create answers from so many different planes and levels that the mental states may not fully grasp all of the content and may attempt to pull you back from your heat level; yet all is well. Answers come forth from questions…
Let’s Begin with Clarity ~ This book will steer you into you; into your clarity to find oneself within every particle of creation, letting the particles of creation come into total and complete alignment to take you beyond everything you have experienced in a body on a planet… letting your whole life-stream become completely receptive to all that is.
Who You Are ~ Who you are has many diversified multi-facets… Before particles were ever segregated, you were a mass, a mass of a wholeness that was just one beautiful conglomerate of light-beingness… Creation of the physical started when you as Creator decided amongst one’s self, and upon one’s self, to begin to expand… when you began as a whole, to question, I wonder what it would be like to expand upon myself, to feel what it was like to begin to express in a solidified, magnificent form, solidified form? Expansiveness is who you are… This is truly called a relationship with your higher levels, your Creator levels, the whole Universe entirely.
A True Loving Relationship of the Heart with Your Life-Stream, Your Beingness and the Whole Universe ~ A true loving relationship of the heart with your life-stream, your beingness and the whole Universe is an in-depth, passionate relationship that allows for the giving of your uniqued expression and at the same time, receiving from your expression… As you let you expose yourself to you, there is no polarity called offense or defense. There is light. There is true love… love that needs no forgiveness. Love that even needs no figuring out or understanding. It is a constant fruition… Why is there so much busyness going on within you about other dear brothers’ mental levels running this way and that way?
A True Loving Relationship of the Heart with Another ~ A true loving relationship of the heart, a marriage of the heart with another, is coming from an open-heartedness and a welcoming and letting a relationship of the heart with another come forward from a state of I am healthy whole and complete in every way… there are no barriers; there is no seeking, there is no I have everything but…, and there is no part of yourself missing or lacking. …In this openness, the other dear one arises and you now have two hearts becoming one with three separate journeys… Let’s please forget about being with people with whom you resonate, or with whom you have similar interests. As you no longer are seeking common resonances you can now go forward and enjoy life overtime no matter the circumstances…
Excellent Questions Asked by Many Dear Ones ~ “What About Other types of Relationships: Divine Complements, Twin Flames, Twin Souls, Relationships from the Zero-Point Karma” ~ “Are relationships a job for doing…” ~ “What about being Neutral in Relationships?” ~ “What about being Present in a Relationship?” ~ “How do we Overcome Issues…” ~ “What about Expecting Behavior to Change…” ~ “What about the feeling of being in Survival Mode?”
William & Mary’s Relationship of the Heart – Questions & Answers ~ Many dear ones have asked, do ask, about the relationship/marriage of the heart of My Angel and myself; “How did you meet? What is it like to be married to each other? How do you handle conflicts? Do you have conflicts, etc.?” In this chapter, Mary my beloved bride, My Angel and I answer the questions. Yet, before we go there, please remember this is not about a William and a Mary, or a Mary and a William. The importance of this chapter within this book is the importance of the following of the heart, without all the conflicts, the contemplations of the mental level, the emotional levels, the doubt of another, the doubt of oneself and self-inflicted conflicts of another, even a fear of another or a fear of the manifestational worlds.
In Closing ~ My Angel and I love you dearly. And relationships are not the work that has been taught and taught and taught. Actually a relationship is the absence of work. But just for your own clarification, when you try to make a relationship work, have you noticed how many walls you build? …Any way we look at it, you have more opening and opening, amplifications, wide openness, communion, the heart level opening, flourishing, connecting, marrying, merging faster than ever… and the garden takes off and sure enough no weeding is necessary.
Appendix A ~ The Difference Between Watching & Observing
Appendix B ~ Judgment – Empathy & Sympathy
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"I cannot put your divinity in a book; but, I can guide you into your divinity through a book."
~ Namasté, William