Expressing and Receiving Love In All Ways

This beautiful program of love, lightness and expression begins with a quick paced review of the consciousness of humanity, where it has been and were it is going as it reawakens into its exquisite brilliance to receive and express love without limitations and boundaries.  It is a presentation of how to continuously open expansively within the love that you are, which can be a bit unfamiliar as you’re stepping out of a karmic paradigm and into openness, looking anew at everyone through the eyes of creator in an exercise of opening your eyes to the benevolent Universal view of you, friends, family, children, partners, indeed all of humanity including your adversaries and nemeses.  Enjoy an abundance of love with some of these program topics:

  • How expressing love has to do with receiving love
  • The animation of the Survival/Primal Levels
  • Going beyond actions, words and deeds into the Dance of Love
  • An interactive discussion of Love; lightness, expression, non-judgments and welcome-ness without boundaries and focal points
  • An Exercise; Going into particles of light, beyond particles of light, beyond the un-manifest particles of consciousness into absolute silence to truly see through the eyes of your heart level as You
  • A look at the in depth question of How can you be hurt?
  • Courageousness and willingness
  • An exercise of clearing the causes, cores, records and the affects of internal conflicts

This program is presented in two segments. Each segment is approximately 45 minutes in duration and is a separate download file.

Please save your email Order Confirmation. It contains the link necessary to download the program files.


Expressing and Receiving Love In All Ways

$25 USD